Bolline: A knife with a half moon shaped Blade ( like a hand held sickle ) Used mainly for cutting Herbs.
Bell: This is usually rang at the Beginning and End of a ritual but it can also be used to Summon Spirits or Deities to the circle.
Besom / Broom: A wooden and Hazel broom used to sweep away Negativity from the ritual circle. The Besom Traditionally does not touch the ground, although some practitioners physically sweep the circle with the Besom.
Censer: This is just a fancy word for a Container in which Incense is burned. These can be as fancy as you like or home made and plain, as long as Incense can burn in it either sticks, cones or dust. Just make sure that the bottom is insulated so that you do not burn yourself or the place where it stands alight.
Chalice: A Goblet with a long stem & can be made out of virtually anything. It can be used to contain the Element of Water on the Alter or for Wine to be drank during the wine & cakes part of the closing ceremony. It can again be plain or Decorated.
Candles: These are one of the most Adaptive tools that a Pagan Possess. They Normally represent the Element of Fire on the Alter, but can, by virtue of their Natural Colour, represent any of the other elements. More on Candles Later.
Essential Oils: These oils can be extracted from almost any plant, leaves, stems and even plant roots. Each oil has unique properties which will be covered in various sections. For more information go to |