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The Pentagrambox 2008  Stormwalker

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Hedgewitches and Plant Power

I describe myself as a hedgewitch because in my humble opinion, I believe a hedgewitch is a solitary witch and works mainly with the power of plants, one of Gaia's wonderful gifts that has been used for many thousands of years, when mankind first realised their potential, and the wise woman or cunning man held the knowledge of their uses. This knowledge is part of our heritage, taught by our ancestors and as a hedgewitch, I work with the plants to reawaken this wealth of information.

The Special Properties of Plants

Our ancestors knew of the special properties of plants, their ability to heal, some bringing a swift and painless death, others to help with an easier childbirth as well as treating septic wounds or animal bites. The wise woman or cunning man knew of the psychic properties, to bring visions and for deep sleep or enhanced wakefulness, allowing them to explore further the power of plants through otherworldly journeying, meeting with the Goddess and God, asking for enlightenment and the ability to help others with this knowledge. They knew too of the plants properties to flavour food, nourishing the body. They held knowledge of the plants abilities to freshen the atmosphere inside their homes, and other practical uses, such as providing raw materials for making rope, clothes and shelter.