At other times this made them someone to turn to in order to get help or to understand what was going on.
Wicca { in all its guises } is " in my opinion } the most ancient of belief systems. It was also one of the first forms of science a way of explaining how things worked. Wicca comes under ( nowadays ) the umbrella of Paganism, which incidentally is a Church word that is used to describe someone who does not believe in the churches idea of god or Christ.
The Pagan Federation ( Scotland & Ireland ) has been very much responsible for the dissemination of Information to despel much of the misinformation and inaccurate Facts about ALL the Pagan Paths and NOT just Wicca. ( a link can be found on the Links Page ).
Wicca is not just THE Path to follow for Witchcraft, there are many different paths that follow the wiccan tradition. There are the Solitary Witches - witches who work alone, Hedge Witches - witches who also work alone. there are those who follow the teachings of Gerald Gardener, Those who follow the teachings of Alex & Maxine Saunders. The Dianice - this belief is based mainly on the feminist Principles. There are the Daughters of Isis.
The Traditionalists claim that their way pre-dates modern witchcraft, and then have the Heredity Witches that believe that witchcraft can only be passed down from family to family, and NOT something that you can learn. So as you can see even within wicca there are many, many different paths that can be followed. There are those that claim that Wicca is NOT Witchcraft, there maybe some Subtle differences, BUT for the most part Wicca IS Witchcraft or the Craft as most practioners call it. Another POINT that needs Stressing here and NOW is the fact that There is no such thing as the Devil in Wicca, and the Practice of ANY such belief system should NOT be ASSOCIATED with Wicca in ANY SHAPE OR FORM.